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I have completed up my interpretation on this year English exam right now.
I am fully satisfied about my work and myself, even though It has taken more time than I expected.
This data will give you all students good tips in understanding English more clearly.
Use this data properly please.
Anyway, I will send a good luck to all the students who have struggled for a long time.
Anyway, I will send a good luck to all the students who have struggled for a long time.
1. 2022³â ¼ö´É¿µ¾î Á÷µ¶Á÷ÇØ(¹®ÀåÇü½Ä+º´·Ä°ü°è+²÷¾îÀбâ)
2. ¹®ÀåÇü½Ä
2-1. 1Çü½Ä¹®Àå
2-2. 2Çü½Ä¹®Àå
2-3. 3Çü½Ä¹®Àå
2-4. 4Çü½Ä¹®Àå
2-5. 5Çü½Ä¹®Àå
2-6. ½ÇÀü¹®Á¦
3. º´·Ä°ü°è
3-1. º´·Ä°ü°è
3-2. ½ÇÀü¹®Á¦
4. ²÷¾îÀбâ
4-1. ²÷¾îÀбâ
4-2. ½ÇÀü¹®Á¦