The story follows Zed, a young dog who sets out on a journey to find a new home and loving owner after being abandoned. In "Chapter 1: New Orleans Beginnings," Zed is left alone in the city and decides to embark on his journey. In "Chapter 2: Setting Out," Zed travels through various towns and cities, eventually reaching Mobile, Alabama, in "Chapter 3: Mobile." In "Chapter 4: Sunshine State," Zed arrives in Florida and meets an older woman who takes him in temporarily. In "Chapter 5: Survival Skills," Zed learns to fend for himself and survive on the streets. In "Chapter 6: Finding Comfort," Zed is reunited with the woman from Chapter 4, who introduces him to her friends and helps him find temporary shelter. In "Chapter 7: Final Destination," Zed arrives in Miami, the end of his journey. In "Chapter 8: A Chance Encounter," Zed meets Marla, who becomes his loving owner. Finally, in "Chapter 9: A Happy Ending," Zed finds a new home, makes new friends, and lives happily ever after with Marla. The story is a heartwarming tale of a dog's resilience and determination to find love and a place to call home, filled with memorable encounters and lessons learned along the way.
Chapter 1: A New Orleans Beginnings
Chapter 2: Setting Out
Chapter 3: Mobile
Chapter 4: Sunshine State
Chapter 5: Survival Skills
Chapter 6: Finding Comfort
Chapter 7: Final Destination
Chapter 8: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 9 : A Happy Ending