The Progressive Debate series consists of a string of articles on a variety of daily life issues in order to offer two-sided perspectives in each unit which can help learners connect their background knowledge to the topic. The most distinguished feature of this book series is the combination of warm up, pre reading and listening, and main comprehension exercises which develop learners¡¯ fluency and accuracy. These comprehension exercises allow students to fully grasp the topic in depth through the course of the whole series. The step by step progression of comprehension exercises engages learners to develop their knowledge for a more evocative conversation. These exercises lead students to develop their own unique perspectives about the topics and engage in meaningful conversation as a final goal.
Bilal Qureshi earned his Doctorate degree in TESOL at Queen¡¯s University Belfast, UK and currently teaches at Seokyeong University Seoul. He has been interested in variety of issues related to second language learners¡¯ motivation and skill development; and this series of books shows his dedication and passion toward this goal. Email: