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The book is provocative indeed. Calling what Carey did a cultural burden on Indians, author identifies three major problems in Carey's missionary methods - financial dependence, cultural supremacy, and social separatism - which affected evangelism and the spread of the gospel in India and beyond. The book invites those participating in the mission of God in other cultures to challenge the western methods and move beyond them.
I. A Prolegomena of Westernized Mission Methods
Western Missions: Contributions and Limitations
Carey & The Jerusalem Council
A New Perspective
II. Rethinking Carey's Methodology
Four Contemporary Missionary Models
John Elliot & David Brainerd
The Moravian Missionaries
Christian Schwartz
William Ward
III. Rethinking Carey¡¯s Three Major Accomplishments
Bible Translation: Quantity versus Quality
Schools: A Help or A Hindrance for the Gospel
Mission Stations: Building Independent Churches
IV. Contemporary Opposition to Carey's Methods
The Natives of Deharta
Responses from the Natives: Mudnabettis, Ram Boshi, Shiva Rama
Andrew Fuller, Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society
William Ward, One of the Serampore Trio
William Robinson, A Junior Missionary
William Johns, A Junior Missionary
John Bowen, A British Officer from Calcutta
Abbe Dubois, A Catholic Missionary to South India
James Buckingham, A British Journalist
Minto, General Governor of British India
Christopher Anderson, A Supporter of the Serampore Trio from Edinburgh
Owen Leonard, A Pioneer of the Dacca Station
Krishna Prisada, A Deacon of Lal Bazzar Church
V. Carey¡¯s Three Methods & Their Negative Impact on Indian Culture
Financial Dependence
Carey Threw Away the Principle of Incarnation
Financial Dependence from an Indian Cultural Perspective
Cultural Supremacy
Comfortable Missionaries, Uncomfortable Natives
Carey: A Builder, or A Destroyer?
Missionaries Sticking to European Dress
Missionaries Feeling Uncomfortable with Indian Names
Monstrous Criminal Act: Meat-eating Missionaries
Destruction of Traditional Marriage: Victory or Defeat?
Caste System Destruction vs. Preservation
Carey and Heber: Rebellion vs. Obedience
Separatism Method
Carey's Converts
Hindu Christians and Christian Hindus
VI. Carey¡¯s Impact Outside of India
Carey's Methods ? A Pan-Southern-Hemisphere Phenomenon
African Missions
Asian Missions
South America/Oceanic Mission
VII. Beyond Carey: Searching for Alternative Methods
Neither Silver nor Gold
Living Water in Local Vessels
Maintaining Natural Bridges
Reference Page
Selected References
I. References of Carey¡¯s Days
II. References after Carey