CHAPTER I. Objects of American Enterprise.
CHAPTER II. Rise of the Mackinaw Company.
CHAPTER III. Fur Trade in the Pacific?American Coasting Voyages?Russian Enterprises.?Discovery of the Columbia River.
CHAPTER IV. Two Expeditions Set on Foot.
CHAPTER V. Sailing of the Tonquin.
CHAPTER VI. Owyhee.?Sandwich Islanders?Their Nautical Talents.? Tamaahmaah.?His Navy.?His Negotiations.
CHAPTER VII. Departure From the Sandwich Islands.
CHAPTER VIII. Mouth of the Columbia.?The Native Tribes.
CHAPTER IX. Point George?Founding of Astoria?Indian Visitors.
CHAPTER X. Disquieting Rumors From the Interior.
CHAPTER XI. Alarm at Astoria.?Rumor of Indian Hostilities.
CHAPTER XII. Gloom at Astoria?An Ingenious Stratagem.
CHAPTER XIII. Expedition by Land.
CHAPTER XIV. St. Louis.?Its Situation.
CHAPTER XV. Opposition of the Missouri Fur Company.
CHAPTER XVI. Return of Spring.?Appearance of Snakes.
CHAPTER XVII. Rumors of Danger From the Sioux Tetons.
CHAPTER XVIII. Camp Gossip.?Deserters.
CHAPTER XIX. The Great Bend of the Missouri
CHAPTER XX. Features of the Wilderness?Herds of Buffalo.
CHAPTER XXI. An Indian Horse Fair.
CHAPTER XXII. Wilderness of the Far West.
CHAPTER XXIII. Summer Weather of the Prairies.
CHAPTER XXIV. New Distribution of Horses?Secret Information of Treason in the Camp.
CHAPTER XXV. Substitute for Fuel on the Prairies.
CHAPTER XXVI. The Black Mountains.?Haunts of Predatory Indians.
CHAPTER XXVII. Indian Trail.?Rough Mountain Travelling.
CHAPTER XXVIII. Region of the Crow Indians?Scouts on the Lookout
CHAPTER XXIX. Mountain Glens.?Wandering Band of Savages
CHAPTER XXX. A Plentiful Hunting Camp.-Shoshonie Hunters?Hoback¡¯s River
CHAPTER XXXI. A Consultation Whether to Proceed by Land or Water?
CHAPTER XXXIII. Gloomy Council.?Exploring Parties?Discouraging Reports
CHAPTER XXXIV. Determination of the Party to Proceed on Foot.
CHAPTER XXXV. An Unexpected Meeting.
CHAPTER XXXVI. Mr. Hunt Overtakes the Advance Party.
CHAPTER XXXVII. Departure From Snake River?Mountains to the North.
CHAPTER XXXVIII. The Village of Wish-ram.
CHAPTER XXXIX. Scanty Fare During the Winter.
CHAPTER XL. Natives in the Neighborhood of Astoria?Their Persons and Characteristics.
CHAPTER XLI. Spring Arrangements at Astoria.?Various Expeditions Set Out.
CHAPTER XLII. Comprehensive Views.?To Supply the Russian Fur Establishment.
CHAPTER XLIII. Active Operations at Astoria?Various Expeditions Fitted Out.
CHAPTER XLIV. Route of Mr. Stuart?Dreary Wilds.
CHAPTER XLV. The Snake River Deserts.
CHAPTER XLVI. Travellers Unhorsed
CHAPTER XLVII. Ben Jones and a Grizzly Bear.
CHAPTER XLVIII. Spanish River Scenery.
CHAPTER XLIX. Wintry Storms.
CHAPTER L. Rough Wintry Travelling?Hills and Plains.
CHAPTER LI. Agreement Between Mr. Astor and the Russian Fur Company?
CHAPTER LII. Banks of the Wallah-Wallah.
CHAPTER LIII. Departure of Mr. Hunt in the Beaver
CHAPTER LIV. The Partners Displeased With M¡¯Dougal.
CHAPTER LV. Anxieties of Mr. Astor.
CHAPTER LVI. Affairs of State at Astoria.
CHAPTER LVII. Voyage of the Beaver to New Archangel.
CHAPTER LVIII. Arrangements Among the Partners?
CHAPTER LIX. Arrival of M¡¯Tavish at Astoria.
CHAPTER LX. Arrival of a Strange Sail.
CHAPTER LXI. Arrival of the Brig Pedler at Astoria.
Draught of a Petition to Congress, sent by Mr. Astor in 1812.
AN ACT to enable the American Fur Company,
Letter from Mr. Gallatin to Mr. Astor
Notices of the Present State of the Fur Trade,
Height of the Rocky Mountains.