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Nobody Knows My ADHD

Nobody Knows My ADHD

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly referred to as ADHD, was formally registered in the DSM-III in 1980, opening a way to properly explain many symptoms dismissed as personality disorders. Thanks to the contribution of rapidly developed brain science from the 2000s, it has been confirmed that ADHD, which has been limited to children until now, is proven that brain abnormalities essentially cause it. According to various statistics, around 6.76% of adults in the world suffer from ADHD symptoms, which are rarely diagnosed due to a lack of awareness and resistance to psychiatry. The ADHD treatment rate for adults in Korea was only 0.76% as of 2017.

In this situation, the need for a book to guide the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD should be emphasized. So far, introductory books introducing adult ADHD have been published in many developed countries, but still, there is a need for more research.

Director Hwang Hee-seong's ¡ºNobdy Knows My ADHD¡» is a book based on Doctor Hwang's own experience of adult ADHD. According to the author, adult ADHD is a crisis and an opportunity. It is a trap that holds back, but at the same time, it is a source of infinite passion and creative energy. ¡ºNobdy Knows My ADHD¡» is a guide to improving patients' life and changing their disadvantages into new opportunities.

The author improves the quality of life for the reader himself and turns the parts that were considered disadvantages throughout his life into advantages to greet a new turning point.


Title Page


Part I. Am I ADHD, or Not?
1. But I Concentrate So Well!
2. Different and difficult for 40 Years
3. Diagnostic Criteria and Screening Tests
4. Misconceptions, Biases, and Stereotypes

Part II. ADHD and the Unknown Truth
1. History, Changing of Concepts, and Confusion
2. Attention, Executive Function: Everybody and Nobody Knows
3. Adult ADHD Brain and Neurotransmitters
4. Symptoms of ADHD Nobody Knows
5. ADHD and Other Psychiatric Disorders

Part III. Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult ADHD
1. Diagnostic Tests, for Accuracy but not Excessively
2. Medication, to Ease the Brain
3 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Change the Thought and Behavior
4 Mindfulness: Strengthen Consciousness and Develop Metacognition

Part IV. The Cases
1. Depression: I feel depressed and lethargic all the time
2. Borderline Personality Disorder: Am I the Problematic?
3. OCD: Can't Stop Thinking, and Have to Do It
4. Bipolar Disorder Type 2: Feeling Unstable is So Painful
5. Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety, worries, Breathlessness, and Chest Pain
6. Impulsivity Issues: are Only Short-Tempered People Impulsive Ones?
7. Workaholism: Can't Stop Working, Taking a Break is Painful
8. Atypical or Minimal: Am I ADHD or Not?
9. The Final mystery: Hallucinations and Delusions
