<공상과학소설 영어로 읽기 _ 랜들 게릿의 매니온 군사법정>
Randall Garrett의 소설 "The Mannion Court-Martial"은 20세기 중반에 작성된 과학 소설이다. 이 작품은 작가가 1957년에 발표한 것으로, "The Mannion Court-Martial"은 다양한 플롯 장치와 흥미 진진한 스토리로 유명하다. 이 소설은 우주 탐험, 인간의 도덕적 갈등, 그리고 사회적 문제를 다루고 있다. "The Mannion Court-Martial"은 성숙한 독자들에게 흥미로운 고전이다.
Randall Garrett's novel "The Mannion Court-Martial" is a science fiction story written in the mid-20th century. This work was published by the author in 1957. "The Mannion Court-Martial" is famous for its various plot devices and exciting story. The novel deals with space exploration, human moral conflict, and social issues. "The Mannion Court-Martial" is a classic that will be of interest to mature readers.
Why would a Space Officer lead an android rebellion? Even Lieut. Mannion believed he was guilty as they gave him the supreme penalty....
Lieut. Dan Mannion of the Earth Space Patrol stood in the prisoner's dock in the courtroom, gripping the rail of his cubicle so hard his fingers hurt.
Comdr. Edward Harkness of the SP, who was presiding, glared at him sternly. "Lieutenant Mannion, the charges against you are severe. You face the risk of total mnemonic erasure if found guilty.