CHAPTER I. Spencer Chambers frowned at the spacegram on the desk
CHAPTER II. Russell Page squinted thoughtful eyes at the thing
CHAPTER III. Russ hunched over the keyboard set in the control room
CHAPTER IV. The new apparatus was set up
CHAPTER V. Pine roots burned brightly in the fireplace
CHAPTER VI. Russ drew doodles on a calculation sheet
CHAPTER VII. Ben Wrail was taking things easy
CHAPTER VIII. A giant cylindrical hull of finest beryl steel
CHAPTER IX. Ludwig Stutsman pressed his thin
CHAPTER X. "One of us will have to watch all the time,"
CHAPTER XI. The Paris-Berlin express thundered through the night
CHAPTER XII. Scorio snarled at the four men
CHAPTER XIII. The ship was silent now
CHAPTER XIV. The Invincible hung in space
CHAPTER XV. John Moore Mallory sat on the single metal chair
CHAPTER XVI. A miracle came to pass in Ranthoor
CHAPTER XVII. It was a weird revolution
CHAPTER XVIII. Jupiter and the Jovian worlds leaped suddenly backward
CHAPTER XIX. Craven watched the Invincible gather speed
CHAPTER XX. The revolution was over
CHAPTER XXI. Chambers lit his cigar