<영어로 읽는 고전 SF 소설 _ 폴 앤더슨의 사라진 테라의 검객>
"잃어버린 테라의 검객"은 폴 앤더슨(Poul Anderson)이 쓴 고전 과학 소설이다. 이 소설은 20세기 중반에 작성되었으며, 원래 1951년에 출간되었다. 이 소설은 지구의 멸망과 인류의 새로운 시작에 관한 이야기를 다룬다. 작품은 지구가 잊혀진 상태로 남아있지만, 새로운 문명이 성장하는 곳으로부터 오는 지구에 대한 호기심을 불러일으킨다. 앤더슨의 작품은 과학 소설의 클래식 중 하나로 여겨지며, 그의 상상력과 문체로 유명하다.
"테라"는 라틴어로 "지구"를 의미
"The Lost Swordsman of Terra" is a classic science fiction novel written by Poul Anderson. The novel was written in the mid-20th century and was originally published in 1951. This novel tells the story of the destruction of the Earth and the new beginning of humanity. The work arouses curiosity about the Earth from a place where it remains forgotten but where new civilizations are growing. Anderson's work is considered one of the classics of science fiction, and he is noted for his imagination and writing style.
“Terra” means “Earth” in Latin
Proud Kery of Broina felt like a ghost himself; shade of a madman flitting hopelessly to the citadel of Earth's disinherited ... to recapture the resonant pipes of Killorn?weapon of the gods?before they blared forth the dirge of the world.
Now it must be told of those who fared forth south under Bram the Red. This was the smallest of the parties that left Killorn, being from three clans only?Broina, Dagh, and Heorran. That made some thousand warriors, mostly men with some women archers and slingers. But the pipe of the gods had always been with Clan Broina, and so it followed the Broina on this trek. He was Rhiach son of Glyndwyrr, and his son was Kery.
Swordsman of Lost Terra
CHAPTER I. Now it must be told of those who fared
CHAPTER II. The men of Killorn stood their ground
CHAPTER III. The southern folk were more civilized
CHAPTER IV. Ryvan was a fair city
CHAPTER V. Now the armies of Ganasth moved against Ryvan city
CHAPTER VI. It was a long and hard ride before
CHAPTER VII. The city loomed dark before him reaching
CHAPTER VIII. The Twilight Lander dropped his own weapon
CHAPTER IX. He stood alone in the gardens of Ryvan's palace