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¡°THE HOLLOW OF THE THREE HILLS¡±Àº Nathaniel HawthorneÀÇ ¶Ç ´Ù¸¥ ´ÜÆí ¼Ò¼³·Î, 1835³â ±×ÀÇ Ä÷º¼Ç "Twice-Told Tales"¿¡µµ ÃâÆǵǾú´Ù.
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¡°THE HOLLOW OF THE THREE HILLS¡± is another short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, also published in his collection ¡°Twice-Told Tales¡± in 1835.
The story is about a woman who meets an old woman in a hollow between three hills and through her magic hears her stories of herself and the people she relates to.
First, she listens to the lament of her old parents whom she has left behind. They are sad because her daughter left home and never returned.
Next she hears crazy noises. Mixed in was the voice of a man, who seemed to be in despair over his wife's betrayal.
Finally, along with the sound of funeral bells, the footsteps of mourners and the sounds of a priest's service are heard. There were also whispers of accusations and curses about the dead, about a woman who had trampled on the hearts of her parents, betrayed her husband, and abandoned her children.
An old woman shakes her kneeling woman to wake her, but she does not lift her head. The old woman says it was a good time and she laughs to herself.
This is a story about a woman who hurts the people around her due to her own wrong actions, and shows her suffering as a result through her witchcraft. The author captures the impact our actions have on others and the resulting guilt in a fantastical atmosphere.

In those strange old times when fantastic dreams and madmen¡¯s reveries were realized among the actual circumstances of life, two persons met together at an appointed hour and place. One was a lady graceful in form and fair of feature, though pale and troubled and smitten with an untimely blight in what should have been the fullest bloom of her years; the other was an ancient and meanly-dressed woman of ill-favored aspect, and so withered, shrunken and decrepit that even the space since she began to decay must have exceeded the ordinary term of human existence. In the spot where they encountered no mortal could observe them.

