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¡°WAKEFIELD¡±´Â Nathaniel HawthorneÀÇ ¶Ç ´Ù¸¥ ´ÜÆí ¼Ò¼³·Î, 1835³â ±×ÀÇ Ä÷º¼Ç "Twice-Told Tales"¿¡µµ ÃâÆǵǾú´Ù.
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¡°WAKEFIELD¡± is another short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, also published in his collection ¡°Twice-Told Tales¡± in 1835.
The story follows a man named Wakefield who suddenly decides to live apart from his wife for no apparent reason.
Wakefield told his wife he was going on a business trip and left home, but in fact he settled down in the street next door and stayed there for about 20 years. He watches his wife every day as he looks out of his house, but does not make his presence known to her.
Her wife grieves after her husband disappears, but over time she gradually adjusts to her life as a widow. Wakefield, who accidentally bumps into his wife on the street, is shocked and driven to madness when she does not recognize him.
Then, one fall night, Wakefield suddenly returns home after 20 years to his wife, but the story ends without describing his wife's reaction.
Through Wakefield's strange way of life, the author warns that individuals who break away from society may eventually lose their place forever and become exiles from the universe. He leaves behind a lesson that even if you take just one step out of your daily life, you can fall into irreparable danger.

