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I wrote down my thoughts after reading the famous quote from Hebrews that says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." There are times in life when we may lose hope, but reflecting on this passage reminds us to hold on to faith in the things we hope for. Since everything visible derives from the invisible, we should look at ourselves as if we possess something when we seemingly have nothing and nurture hope.
Human maturity blossoms during moments of stillness. People often mistakenly believe that having a lot of money will take care of their old age. Through reading and contemplation, we can attain human maturity, and within it, have faith in the unseen, allowing us to embrace hope that is not visible to others.
As we go through each day, hoping for a better today than yesterday, I hope that this book, written with that in mind, can be of help to you.
What matters?
Is God only present outside of the workplace?
the importance of appropriate setbacks
Breaking free from constraints.
Love is what saves a person
It will be gloomy every day.
I don't want to pass my anxiety onto others.
While watching YouTubers who are skilled at self-packaging...
I get angry like Angry Birds.
Who is a child, and who is an adult?
Do you understand ADHD?
A challenging life.
I am praying for a curse, but...
Knowledge of the Reversed Palmistry and Knowing God
Who will pay the price for sin?
A one-time life?
Will believing in Jesus bring salvation?
The reason for needing time.
Can you say, "It's all your fault"?
Would I have had faith?
If it's understanding rather than misunderstanding...
God, who has granted freedom in the reward of faith.
Sarah gave birth to a son at the age of 90.
The shade of the soul.
I didn't even realize that I was hurting.
Imagination becomes reality?
To become strong in weakness
What good things will come later on?
Fear of the unknown ignorance.
An animal saddened by not fulfilling its own share.
Till you bleed
There are times when He rebukes and times when He makes you smile.
The bitter roots of a twisted heart.
The meaning of loving money.
An era that favors lawsuits and accusations.