Meet Tia, a delightful and kind little girl, as she embarks on a heartwarming journey of kindness and friendship in "The Little Helper." This charming story is suitable for children ages 4 to 6. Children will be drawn into Tia's adventures and learn that kindness and helping others brings tremendous joy. This book is perfect for bedtime, classroom story time, or any time you want to share a positive, heartwarming story with children.<br /><br />(The text of this book is written in English,and organized with the help of ChetGPT. <br />The stories and illustrations were created using Midjourney)
1.A Wish to Help
2.A Chat with Lotto
3.A New Idea
4.Visiting Mrs. Brown
5.An Offer to Help
6.Into the Kitchen
7.Mixing the Dough
8.Cracking the Eggs
9.Sharing Stories
10.Baking the Cookies
11.A Heartfelt Thanks
12.A Lesson Learned