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키스 라우머의 벽

키스 라우머의 벽

키스 라우머의 벽

<키스 라우머(Keith Laumer)> 저 | 디즈비즈북스

15 M
신청 건수 : 0 건
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콘텐츠 소개

콘텐츠 소개

<영어로 읽는 SF소설 _ 키스 라우머의 벽>
“The walls“는 키스 라우머(Keith Laumer)가 1963년에 출판한 공상과학 소설로, 미래 도시에 사는 부부 Harry와 Flora의 이야기를 통해 기술 발전이 인간 삶에 미치는 영향을 그리고 있다
이 작품은 고도로 발달한 기술 문명 속 인간 소외 문제를 다루고 있다. 최첨단 오락거리가 행복을 보장해주지는 않으며, 오히려 인간다운 삶을 갈망하게 만든다는 메시지를 담고 있다. 기술에 둘러싸인 좁은 아파트에 갇힌 Flora의 처지가 먹먹함을 자아낸다.

“The walls” is a science fiction novel published in 1963 by Keith Laumer that depicts the impact of technological advancement on human life through the story of Harry and Flora, a couple living in a futuristic city.
This work deals with the issue of human alienation in a highly developed technological civilization. It contains the message that cutting-edge entertainment does not guarantee happiness, but rather makes one long for a humane life. Flora's situation, trapped in a small apartment surrounded by technology, is depressing.

Four walls do not a prison make?unless they look out upon a world that doesn't exist anymore.

Harry installs the latest full-wall TV as a surprise gift for his wife Flora. The purpose is to provide a sense of more space for Flora, who is confined to apartment life. However, Flora longs for her country life and she is not very interested in TV.
At the beginning of her installation, Flora was intrigued by the vivid images of the full-wall, but she soon became bored and turned off the TV after two months. Flora's reflection on her life as she looks at herself reflected on her turned off TV screen is impressive.


The walls