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The Law, as the first covenant that God gave to the Israelites, is the covenant of God that never be able to condemn.
However, the deeds by the Law as the deeds of the flesh performed by the Law is to commit sin.
Because through the mind of the flesh that the devil deceives, we are not able to serve God, who is spirit.
Due to the sin of Adam and Eve that they followed the serpent as the devil instead of the will of God in the Eden Garden, their spirit and even their offspring¡¯s spirit had died to God.
In this way the human being have been born as sinners with the original sin, having a spirit that is dead to God.
So that the human being have been living with their mind of the flesh and a spirit that is dead to God.
Thus, human being have not been able to serve God, who is spirit.
To save the Israelites who become such sinners, first off God gave them the Law as the first covenant, and made the Israelites live to keep the Law through their mind of the flesh, because they have a spirit that is dead to God.
This period is the age of the Law and the age of the First Covenant, that the Israelites of the Old Testament era had been living.
By the way to the Israelites who had been serving idols through their minds of the flesh in the world of the darkness, God gave the Law to them and made them keep the Law through the mind of the flesh.
In this way God gave them the age of the Law as the training period and disciplining period that let them to get off their idols and to serve God through the Law.
However, because the deeds by the Law is to commit sin, the Israelites was not able to serve God.
Therefore, God gave the gospel as the new covenant that becomes the way to be saved spiritually to them in order to let them believe it and live the spiritual life.
However, the Jews, who are the descendants of the Israelites, still adhere strictly
Chapter 01
Table of Contents
About this book
About author of this book
Faith I
Faith II
The Born Again
The Spiritual Gospel
The Salvation of the Chosen People of God
The Age of the Law and the Age of the Salvation
The Waging War