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A New Theology of John

A New Theology of John

A New Theology of John

,< Seung Kyu> Àú | ³ª¹«¿Í¿­¸Å

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This book criticizes modern John theology's treatment of the Bible the same as ordinary documents made by humans rather than the complete and infallible words of God, and is a new study of John theology based on the evangelical and the theology of Religious Reformation.


Preface 10
Ch. 1 The Purpose of studying John?s theology 21
Ch. 2 How should we view the Gospel of John? 25
1. The Aim on using the symbolic language of the beginning 26
2. God as the Word and Christ introduced as the Logos(John 1:1) 30
3. The identification of God the Creator and Christ 32
4. Expressions familiar to Jews from John 36
5. John?s principle of Polarization(John 1:5; 3:31; 5:29; 20:27) 43
Ch. 3 How Should We View the Epistles of John? 54
1. The Motivation for writing of 1 John(1 John 2:21, 26) 55
2. Heresies that emerged during John?s ministry 56
3. The heretic Cerinthus in John?s Day(1 John 2:22) 58
4. Valentinus and Gnosticism(2 Corinthians 4:4; 10:5) 59
Ch. 4 How Should We View the Book of Revelation? 63
1. The motivation for the writing of the Book of Revelation 66
2. The symbolic language and numbers used in the Book of Revelation 68
3. The relationship of the Plagues of Judgment to Repentance70
4. The Millennialism and the new heavens and new earth 72
Ch. 5 John?s view of the Relationship between God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit 75
1. The relationship of the Word(Logos) to God(John 1:1)76
2. The relationship of the Word(Logos) to the Holy Spirit(John 1:33) 80
Ch. 6 John¡¯s Christology 83
1. The Christology in the Gospel of John 83
1) Christ as the Word(John 1:1) 84
2) Christ as Creator(John 1:3) 86
3) Christ as the Light(John 1:4, 9) 88
4) Christ as the Word made flesh(John 1:14) 89
5) Christ as the Lamb of God(John 1:29) 90
6) Christ baptizing with the Holy Spirit(John 1:33) 95
7) Christ the Messiah(John 1:41) 99
8) Christ as the Son of God(John 1:49) 102
9) Christ as witnessed by signs(John 2:11; 3:2) 106
(1) The first sign, the making of wine from water(John 2:1-12) 107
2. Christology in the Epistles of John 130
1) Christ as the Word of Life(1 John 1:1) 131
2) Christ as the Advocate(1 John 2:1) 133
3) Christ as the sacrifice of reconciliation(1 John 2:2)136
4) Christ in humanity(1 John 4:2) 138
5) Christ as the water and blood(1 John 5:6) 140
3. The Christology in the Book of Revelation 143
1) The Son of Man(Rev. 1:13) 143
2) Christ operating the seven stars and seven golden candlesticks 146
3) Christ as Alpha and Omega(Revelation 2:8) 148
4) Christ with the Sword(Rev. 2:12) 150
5) Christ with seven spirits and seven stars(Rev. 3:1) 152
6) Christ with the Keys(Rev. 3:7) 154
7) Christ, the Amen and faithful witness(Rev. 3:14) 155
8) The one seated on the throne(Rev. 5:1) 157
9) Lamb that was slain(Rev. 5:6) 159
Ch. 7 John?s Pneumatology 161
1. The role of the Holy Spirit(John 14:26; 15:26; 16:8, 13)164
2. The Holy Spirit of the Old Testament(Ezek. 36:25-27)167
3. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament(Acts 1:4; 2:2-3)169
4. Theology of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John(John 14:16; 16:8) 171
1) The Holy Spirit who regenerates(John 3:5-6; 6:63) 172
2) The Holy Spirit who teaches and reminds(John 14:26)173
3) The Holy Spirit who convicts(John 16:8) 174
4) The Holy Spirit who lead you to Christ(John 16:13) 175
5. Theology of the Holy Spirit in the Epistles of John(1 John 2:1; 5:6) 176
1) The anointing Holy Spirit(1 John 2:20, 27) 179
2) The Spirit of God(1 John 4:2) 180
3) The Spirit of Truth(1 John 4:6; 5:6) 181
4) His Holy Spirit(1 John 4:13) 182
6. Theology of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Revelation183
1) The seven spirits of God(Rev. 3:1; 4:5; 5:5) 184
2) The Spirit of Prophecy(Revelation 19:10) 185
Ch. 8 John?s Soteriology 187
1. The soteriology in the Gospel of John(John 1:12; 3:16)188
1) The concept of salvation 190
2) The New Birth(John 3:3, 3:5; 1 Peter 1:3) 194
3) Faith(John 2:11; 4:53; 1 Corinthians 2:5) 196
4) Life(John 1:4; 17:3) 199
2. The Soteriology in the Epistles of John(1 John 1:3) 203
1) Confession of sin(1 John 1:7, 9) 204
2) The Relationship(1 John 1:6, Isaiah 62:5) 206
3) The Advocate?s Advocacy(1 John 2:1) 207
3. The Soteriology in the Book of Revelation(Rev. 1:3; Luke 10:13) 209
1) Those who keep the Word(Rev. 1:3) 210
2) Those who hear the Word of Holy Spirit(Rev. 2:11, 29)212
3) Those who repent from the plagues(Rev. 3:3; 9:20-21)214
4) Those clothed in white robes(Rev. 3:4-5 Gal. 3:27) 216
Ch. 9 John?s Eschatology 219
1. Biblical Eschatology(Luke 21:35) 220
2. The Eschatology in the Gospel of John(John 3:18; 12:48) 223
3. The Eschatology of the Epistles of John(1 John 4:17)229
4. The Eschatology in the Book of Revelation 231
Ch. 10 John?s Kingdom of God 239
1. The concept of the kingdom of God(John 3:5-6) 240
2. The kingdom of God in the Old Testament(Isaiah 65:17-25) 242
3. The Kingdom of God in the New Testament (Matt. 12:28) 244
4. The New Heaven and New Earth as Seen by the Apostle John 245
5. Paradise and the new heaven and new earth 246
6. The difference between old and new
References 251
Biography 253