"Betrachtung" (Contemplation) is Franz Kafka's first collection of short stories, published in 1912, consisting of 18 short pieces. Each story explores human anxiety and alienation against the backdrop of everyday situations, focusing on themes such as modern loneliness and the meaninglessness of life. Stories like "The Children on the Country Road," "Homecoming," and "The Decision" depict internal conflicts and identity crises. Kafka's concise writing style is objective yet delicately expresses emotions. He creates a transcendent psychological space to convey the irrationality and anxiety felt in reality. This collection foreshadows the themes and style of Kafka's later major works.
Kinder auf der Landstra©¬e
Entlarvung eines Bauernfangers
Der plotzliche Spaziergang
Der Ausflug ins Gebirge
Das Ungluck des Junggesellen
Der Kaufmann
Zerstreutes Hinausschaun
Der Nachhauseweg
Die Voruberlaufenden
Der Fahrgast
Die Abweisung
Zum Nachdenken fur Herrenreiter
Das Gassenfenster
Wunsch, Indianer zu werden
Die Baume