At Versailles, the narrative centers on the king¡¯s ambitions and the fierce power struggles that surround him. Amid the schemes and betrayals of the royal court, the protagonist faces challenges that test his beliefs in justice and ideals. Confronting formidable adversaries, he fights to uphold his principles and protect his love. As the situation grows darker, he is forced to confront shocking truths that shake the very foundation of his world.
CHAPTER XI. The Sun Reappears
CHAPTER XII. The King Receives
CHAPTER XIII. The King Has Ideas
CHAPTER XIV. The Last Card
CHAPTER XV. The Midnight Mission
CHAPTER XVI. "When the Devil Drives"
CHAPTER XVII. The Dungeon of Portillac
CHAPTER XVIII. A Night of Surprises
CHAPTER XIX. In the King's Cabinet
CHAPTER XX. The Two Francoises