Jack London¡¯s "The Scarlet Plague" is a novel written in the early 20th century, set in a world devastated by a deadly pandemic known as the Scarlet Death. Civilization has collapsed, and humanity has regressed to a primitive state, struggling to survive in a world overtaken by nature.
The story centers on an elderly man, Granser, and his grandsons, Edwin, Hare-Lip, and Hoo-Hoo. The opening scene depicts the group traveling through a desolate, forested landscape where remnants of the old world have been consumed by the wilderness. The grandsons live a rough and savage life, while Granser mourns the lost civilization and recounts the catastrophic events that led to its fall. Through his memories, Granser vividly describes the spread of the plague and the subsequent collapse of society, highlighting the beauty and complexity of the former world. He reflects on elements such as food, wealth, and education, emphasizing how much has been lost.
The stark contrast between Granser¡¯s nostalgic longing and the grandsons¡¯ primitive way of life underscores the generational divide and the profound decline of human progress. Granser¡¯s stories invite readers to reflect on the value of civilization and the enduring consequences of a catastrophic event on humanity.