Part 1 consists of stories that focus on various human characters and intriguing events. "A Night Errant" introduces unexpected romantic elements in unusual circumstances, while "The Dissipated Jeweler" finds humor and irony in small, everyday incidents. "How Willie Saved Father" depicts familial love and sacrifice with touching emotions, and "Paderewski¡¯s Hair" captivates readers with its creative and witty storyline. Stories like "A Mystery of Many Centuries" combine historical elements with imagination, while "Sufficient Provocation" explores human nature through conflicts and humorous incidents. These stories blend warmth and humor, evoking a wide range of emotions in readers.
A Night Errant
In Mezzotint
The Dissipated Jeweler
How Willie Saved Father
The Mirage on the Frio
A Tragedy
Sufficient Provocation
The Bruised Reed
Paderewski¡¯s Hair
A Mystery of Many Centuries
A Strange Case
Simmon¡¯s Saturday Night