The story begins in the Scottish wilderness, where three witches meet Macbeth and prophesize that he will become king. After a victorious battle, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the witches, and Macbeth becomes deeply intrigued by their words. King Duncan congratulates Macbeth on his success and grants him new lands, but the seed of ambition begins to grow in Macbeth's heart. Upon returning home, Macbeth shares the prophecy with Lady Macbeth, who persuades him to kill Duncan and seize the throne. Torn by internal conflict, Macbeth eventually murders Duncan and takes the crown. However, even as king, he is plagued by fear that Banquo and his descendants will threaten his rule, as foretold by the witches. Driven by this anxiety, Macbeth arranges Banquo¡¯s assassination, but Banquo¡¯s son, Fleance, escapes.
Dramatis Person©¡
Scene I. An open Place.
Scene II. A Camp near Forres.
Scene III. A heath.
Scene IV. Forres. A Room in the Palace.
Scene V. Inverness. A Room in Macbeth¡¯s Castle.
Scene VI. The same. Before the Castle.
Scene VII. The same. A Lobby in the Castle.
Scene I. Inverness. Court within the Castle.
Scene II. The same.
Scene III. The same.
Scene IV. The same. Without the Castle.
Scene I. Forres. A Room in the Palace.
Scene II. The same. Another Room in the Palace.
Scene III. The same. A Park or Lawn, with a gate leading to the Palace.