William Shakespeare's comedy, A Midsummer Night's Dream, written in the late 16th century, centers on the tangled relationships of four young lovers?Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius. The story unfolds against the backdrop of Athens, where Duke Theseus and his fiancee Hippolyta prepare for their wedding, and in an enchanted forest filled with mischievous fairies. The play explores themes of love, identity, and the complexities of human relationships, blending humor with fantastical elements.
The play begins with Duke Theseus planning his upcoming marriage to Hippolyta. Meanwhile, Egeus appeals to Theseus, demanding that his daughter, Hermia, marry Demetrius, the suitor he has chosen for her, instead of her true love, Lysander. Refusing to comply with her father¡¯s wishes, Hermia decides to elope with Lysander, and the two plan to flee into the forest. Helena, who is in love with Demetrius, learns of their plan and follows them into the woods.
This setup ignites a web of conflicts driven by love and desire, further complicated by the magical interventions of the fairy king Oberon, the fairy queen Titania, and the playful trickster Puck. Through witty dialogue and enchanting episodes, the play vividly portrays the whimsical and chaotic journey of love in a way that is both humorous and captivating.
Dramatis Person©¡
Scene I. Athens. A room in the Palace of Theseus
Scene II. The Same. A Room in a Cottage
Scene I. A wood near Athens
Scene II. Another part of the wood
Scene I. The Wood.
Scene II. Another part of the wood
Scene I. The Wood
Scene II. Athens. A Room in Quince¡¯s House
Scene I. Athens. An Apartment in the Palace of Theseus