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Keynote Like A Pro

Keynote Like A Pro

Keynote Like A Pro


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There are three vital factors crucial to success in a presentation the content of the presentation (stories) design and presentation skills. There are already countless books on presentations in bookstores. In this book I intended to strike a balance between presentation design philosophy which is revealed in the previously published presentation books and slideware guide books. Furthermore I tried to apply Keynote (Apple¡¯s slideware which is used by the company¡¯s CEO Steve Jobs) to the philosophy we learned from books like ¡°Presentation Zen Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery.¡± The purpose of this book is not to solely focus on the explanation of the software itself. It is more accurate to call it a presentation design book that introduces readers to the presentations made by Steve Jobs who is world renown as a presentation guru.


Keynote Like a Pro
The Movie-like Keynote

Act 1 : Presentation&Keynote
Section 01 : The Gap between Ideal and Real
Section 02 : A Movie-like Presentation
Section 03 : A Strong Story is Vital
Section 04: What is an Authentic Presentation Design?
Section 05 : Make the Presenter Sparkle

Act 2 : Design Your Story with Keynote
Section 06 : A Brief Glance at Keynote
Section 07 : The Font Style Equals Branding
Section 08 : Keep a Balance Between Images and Text - Text Shadow Effect
Section 09 : Be Distinct or Be Extinct - Reflection Effect
Section 10 : Release the Stress of Color Selection - Colors
Section 11 : Make the Most of Analog¡¯s Sensitivity
Section 12 : Pay Attention to Details - Button Design Using Gradient
Section 13 : Drawing Directly: The Pen Tool
Section 14 : Design Considering a Story: Modification of Shapes
Section 15 : Image Art - More Beautiful than Clip Art: Image Art Function
Section 16 : Provide the Audience with a Novel Experience - Picture Frames
Section 17 : Display Images in a More Beautiful Way - Adjust Image
Section 18 : Consider the Harmony with the Background
Section 19 : Easily Arranging Proportions & Spacial Aesthetics - Alignment
Section 20 : Connecting All Objects - The Connection Line
Section 21 : How to Design Videos - The Metrics Inspector
Section 22 : The Internet Meets Keynote - Hyperlink
Section 23 : Create Art with Charts - The Chart Function
Section 24 : Abandon Boring Tables - The Table Function
Section 25 : Use Meaningful Transition Effects - The Slide Transition Effect
Section 26 : Make a Smooth Connection (Part I)- Magic Move
Section 27 : Make a Smooth Connection (Part II) - Text Effects
Section 28 : Use Dynamic Effects That Are Meaningful (1) - Build In & Out
Section 29 : Redefine Bullets - Build Effects with Bullets
Section 30 : Visualize Bullets - Utilizing Images for Bullets
Section 31 : Contain a Story - Build and Action
Section 32 : Use Dynamic and Meaningful Effects (2) - All About Action
Section 33 : Playing Multiple Videos Simultaneously - Video & Build
Section 34 : An Aggregate of Build Effects - Smart Builds
Section 35 : Sounds Can Also Be Designed - Sound Clips
Section 36 : Cooperate with iWork - iWork.com
Section 37 : A Guide for a Successful Presentation - Presenter Notes
Section 38 : My Own Way of Managing Keynote Documents - Document & Spotlight

Act 3 : Keynote Like Pro
Section 39 : Let¡¯s Rehearse - Practice! Practice! Practice
Section 40 : Final Check of Presentation Stories - View Layout & Light Table
Section 41 : An Indispensable Item in a Presentation - a Remote Control
Section 42 : Making Keynote Handouts - The Handout Function