3 CAD ڸ  Solid Edge 2020 Bible

3 CAD ڸ  Solid Edge 2020 Bible

3 CAD ڸ Solid Edge 2020 Bible

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201 M
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å Solid Edge ٷ ̷м̴. Solid Edge ̰ н ֵ ߴ.


λб ӱ

Part 1 - Solid Edge ϱ
Section 1-1 : Solid Edge Ұ
1. Solid Edge
2. Solid Edge 2020 ٿε ġ
3. Solid Edge ֿ ȯ
4. ȭ ̽

Section 1-2 : ȯ ̿ϱ
1. Solid Edge ȯ
2. Solid Edge
3. Solid Edge ϱ
4. Solid Edge ڽ ̿ϱ
5. ȯ ø Ͽ ۾ϱ

Part 2 - Solid Edge Ȱ ⺻
Section 2-1 : (Feature) ۼϴ (Reference Plane) ϱ
1. 𵨸 Ʈ(SmartStep)
2. (Reference Plane) ý ϱ

Section 2-2 : ǰ ,
1. Ʈ (Part Painter)
2. (Color), (Material) ߰ ϱ

Section 2-3 : ޴
1. Ű
2. ż ׼
4. ޴
5. ̾ƿ

Part 3 - ġ(Sketch)
Section 3-1 : ġ
1. 2D ġ Ұ
2. ġ ڵ ִ IntelliSketch ɼ

Section 3-2 : ġ(2D) ۼϱ
1. (Line)
2. (Point)
3. FreeSketch
4. ȣ (Tangent Arc)
5. 3 ȣ (Arc by 3 Point)
6. ߽ ̿ ȣ (Arc by Center Point)
7.  (Curve)
8. ߽ 簢 (Rectangle by Center)
9. 2 簢 (Rectangle by 2 Points)
10. 3 簢 (Rectangle by 3 Points)
11. ߽ ٰ (Polygon by Center)
12. ߽ ̿ (Circle by Center Point)
13. 3 (Circle by 3 Point)
14. (Tangent Circle)
15. ߽ ̿ (Ellipse by Center Point)
16. 3 (Ellipse by 3 Points)

Section 3-3 : ġ(2D)
1. (Select) ̿
2. ʷ (Fillet)
3. (Chamfer)
4. (Split)
5. Ȯ (Extend To Next)
6. Ʈ (Trim)
7. ڳ Ʈ (Trim Corner)
8. ɼ (Offset)
9. Ī ɼ (Symmetric Offset)
10. ä (Fill)

Section 3-4 : ġ(Dimension)
1. Ʈ ġ (Smart Dimension)
2. Ÿ (Distance Between)
3. Ұ (Angle Between)
4. ǥ ġ (Coordinate Dimension)
5. ǥ (Change Coordinate Origin)
6. ǥ ġ (Angular Coordinate Dimension)
7. Ī (Symmetric Diameter)
8. ġ (Dimension Axis)
9. Ʈ (Maintain Alignment Set) /
Ʈ (Remove From Alignment Set)

Section 3-5 : ġ
1. (Relationship Handle)
2. (Relationship Handles) ϱ

Section 3-6 : ġ(2D) Move Tool
1. ġ (Project to Sketch)
2. Ʈ (Construction)
3. Move tool (Move, Rotate, Mirror, Scale, Stretch)

Section 3-7 : 3D ġ
1. 3D ġ ׸
2. 3D ġ

Part 4 - ⺻ Part Modeling(ǰ)
Section 4-1 : ۾ ̿ ۼ
1. (Extrude)
2. ƾƿ (Cut)

Section 4-2 : ̿ ȸ ۼ
1. ȸ (Revolve)
2. ȸ (Revolve Cut)

Part 5 - ٵ
Section 5-1 : ⺻ ٵ
1. (Hole)
2. (Thread)
3. (Slot)
4. 巡Ʈ (Draft)
5. (Round)
6. (Chamfer)

Section 5-2 : ̷ϱ
1. (Pattern)
2.  (Along Curve)
3. ̺ (Pattern By Table)
4. ߺ (Duplicate)
5. ̷ (Mirror Copy Feature)
6. Ʈ ̷ (Mirror Copy Part)

Part 6 - öƽ PLUS(Ư ٵ)
Section 6-1 : ۼϱ
1. (Thin Wall)
2. κ (Thin Region)

Section 6-2 : , Ʈũ, , Ʈ,
1. (Rib)
2. Ʈũ (Web Network)
3. (Lip)
4. Ʈ (Vent)
5. (Mounting Boss)

Part 7 - Advanced Part Modeling
Section 7-1 : θ 󰡴 ۼ
1. (Swept Protrusion)
2. ƾƿ (Swept Cutout)
3. ġ  ̿ ۼ
4. ָ (Solid Sweep Protrusion)
5. ָ ƾƿ (Solid Sweep Cutout)

Section 7-2 : ܸ ̿ ۼ
1. (Loft Protrusion)
2. ƾƿ (Lofted Cutout)

Section 7-3 : 缱, Embossing Text, β ߰
1. 缱 (Helix)
2. 缱 ƾƿ (Helix Cutout)
3. 鿡 Embossing Text
4. 鿡 Embossing Text ( , ƾƿ)
5. β ߰ (Thicken)

Section 7-4 : ٵ 𵨸, ٵ Ȯ
1. ٵ(Multibody)
2. ٵ ϱ (ٵ ߰)
3. ٵ Խ
4. (Union)
5. (Subtract)
6. (Intersect)
7. (Split)
8. ٵ Ȯ (Scale Body)

Section 7-5 : ׷
1. ̵ (Move Faces)
2. ȸ (Rotate Faces)
3. ɼ (Offset Faces)
4. (Delete Faces)
5. (Delete Regions)
6. (Delete Holes)
7. (Delete Rounds)
8. ũ (Resize Holes)
9. ũ (Resize Rounds

Part 8 - Surface Modeling
Section 8-1 : (Surface) Modeling
1. (Surface)
2. Solid 𵨸 𵨸

Section 8-2 : 3D Curve
1. 2D Curve ۼ
2. 3D Curve ۼ

Section 8-3 : (Surface)
1. BlueSurf
2. ٿ (Bounded)
3. (Redefine)
4. (Swept)
5. (Extruded)
6. ȸ (Revolved)
7. ɼ (Offset)
8. (Copy)
9. (Ruled)
10. (Blank Surface)

Section 8-4 : (Surface)
1. (Intersect)
2. ü (Replace Face)
3. Ʈ (Trim)
4. Ȯ (Extend)
5. (Split)
6. ú, ð (Parting Split, Parting Surface)
7. 𼭸 ɼ (Offset Edge)
8. BlueDot

Section 8-5 : ƼĪ(Stitching)
1. Ƽġ (Stitched)
2. ƼĪ 𼭸 ǥ (Show Non-Stitched Edges)

Part 9 - Sheet Metal(DZ )
Section 9-1 : DZ ȯ
1. DZ ȯ
2. DZ ȯ
3. Ʈ DZ

Section 9-2 : DZ ȯ ⺻ ÷
1. (Tab)
2. ÷ (Flange)
3. ÷ (Contour Flange)
4. ÷ (Lofted Flange)
5. (Hem)
6. ƾƿ, ƾƿ (Normal Cutout, Cutout)

Section 9-3 : Sheet Metal ٵ
1. (Hole)
2. (Jog)
3. (Bend)
4. , ٽ (Unbend, Rebend)
5. ڳ , (Break Corner, Chamfer)
6. 2- ڳ (Close 2-Bend Corner)
7. 3- ڳ (Close 3-Bend Corner)
8. (Dimple)
9. (Louver)
10. ο ƾƿ (Drawn Cutout)
11. (Bead)
12. ż (Gusset)
13. ũν 극ũ (Cross Brake)
14. Ī (Etch)
15. (Emboss)

Section 9-4 : Ʈ DZ / DZݿ Ʈ , ̺,
1. Ʈ/DZ ȯ ȯϿ ۾ϱ
2. ̺ (Bend Table)
3. (Flat Pattern)
4. Ͽ (dxf )

Section 9-5 : Design for Cost
1. 뼳 (ũ ÷ο)
2. 뿡 Ʈ ؼ
3. μ

Part 10 - Assembly() Modeling
Section 10-1 : 𵨸
1. 𵨸̶
2. ȯ濡 ǰ ġ

Section 10-2 : ȯ (Assemble) ׷
1. Ʈ (Insert Component)
2. ڸ Ʈ (Create Part In-Place)
3. (Assemble)
4. (FlashFit)
5. Ʈ (Mate)
6. (Planar Align)
7. (Axial Align)
8. (Insert)
9. (Connect)
10. (Angle)
11. (Tangent)
12. (Path)
13. ķ (Cam)
14. (Parallel)
15. (Gear)
16. ǥ ġ (Match Coordinate Systems)
17. ߽ (Center-Plane)
18. Ʈ (Rigid Set)
19. (Ground)
20. (Assembly Relationship Manager)
21. (Assembly Relationship Assistant)
22. ĸ (Capture Fit)

Section 10-3 : ȯ нδ ٷ
1. ȯ нδ
2. ȯ濡 ǰ
3. ǰ 淮ȭ (Ȱȭ, Ȱȭ)

Section 10-4 : (Assembly) Tools (1)
1. ̵ (Move on Select)
2. Ʈ 巡, Ʈ ̵, , (Drag/Move Component, Rigid, Adjustable)
3. Ʈü (Replace Part)
4. (Transfer)
5. (Disperse)
6. ȸ (Rotational Motor)
7. (Linear Motor)
8. ̺ (Variable Table Motor)
9. ùķ̼ (Simulate Motor)
10. (Pattern)
11.  (Along Curve)
12. Ʈ ̷ (Mirror Components)
13. ߺ Ʈ (Duplicate Components)
14. Ʈ (Clone Components)

Section 10-5 : (Assembly) Tools (2)
1. Assembly (Assembly ÿ ϱ)
2. 3D ܸ ۾ (Section)
3. 2D (Ʈ )
4. 3D (, Ÿ , ּ Ÿ , Ÿ , , )
5. ˻ (Check Interference)
6. , (Physical Properties, Physical Properties Manager)
7. (Repair Missing Files)
8. Ʈ (Component Tracker)
9. ǰ

Section 10-6 : (Frame Design)
2. ġ / ׸Ʈ ׸

Section 10-7 : ۼ (Exploded View)
1. ڵ (Auto-Explode)
2. (Explode)
3. Ʈ 巡 (Drag Component)
4. ġ 缳 (Reposition)
5. (Remove)
6. (Collapse)
7. (Unexplode)
8. ε (Bind)
9. ε (Unbind)
10. (Drop)
11. ׸ (Draw)
12. (Modify)
13. 帧 / 帧 (Flow Lines / Flow Line Terminators)
14. ȭǥ (Display Configurations)

Section 10-8 : ִϸ̼ (Animation)
1. ִϸ̼
2. ִϸ̼ (Animation Editor)
3. ī޶ (Camera)
4. (Motors)
5. (Explosion)
6. (Appearance)
7. (Path)

Part 11 - 3D ̿ ۼ(Draft)
Section 11-1 : Draft 3D ҷ̱
1. Draft ȯ
2. 3D ҷ̱

Section 11-2 : Draft ȯ Sheet
1. Ʈ (Background Sheet)
2. ۾ Ʈ (Working Sheet)

Section 11-3 : (View)
1. (Principal)
2. (Auxiliary)
3. (Detail)
4. (Broken)
5. (Cutting Plane)
6. ܸ (Section)
7. (Broken-Out)

Section 11-4 :
1. 信 ׸ (Draw in View)
2. / (Create Alignment / Delete Alignment)
3. Ʈ (Update Views)
4. ̵ ɼ (Shaded Drawing Views)
5. (Properties)

Part 12 - ġ ּ ۼϱ
Section 12-1 : 鿡 ġ ּ ۼ
1. ġ (Chamfer Dimension)
2. ڵ ġ (Retrieve Dimensions)
3. ü (Leader)
4. Ŀ (Connector)
5. dz (Balloon)
6. ݾƿ (Callout)
7. ؽƮ (Text)
8. Ưȣ (Character Map)

Section 12-2 : ġ ּ 迭
1. ؽƮ (Line Up Text)
2. Ʈ (Maintain Alignment Set)
3. Ʈ (Remove from Alignment Set)
4. ġ 迭 (Arrange Dimensions)
5. ּ (Annotation Alignment Shape)
6. ּ ǥ/ (Show/hide Annotation Alignment Shape)

Section 12-3 : ߽ɼ ׸
1. ڵ ߽ɼ (Automatic Centerlines)
2. ߽ɼ (Centerline)
3. ߽ ũ (Center Mark)
4. Ʈ (Bolt Hole Circle)

Section 12-4 : ȣ ǥ
1. ǥ (Surface Texture Symbol)
2. ɺ (Weld Symbol)
3. 𼭸 (Edge Condition)
4. (Feature Control Frame)
5. (Datum Frame)
6. (Datum Target)

Part 13 - Part List ۼ ̺
Section 13-1 : Ʈ (Parts List)
1. Part List ͺ̽ ۼ

Section 13-2 : Ÿ ̺
1. ̺ (Hole Table)
2. ̺ (Bend Table)
3. Ʈйи ̺, ̺, ̺ (Family of parts/Block/Tolerance Table)

Part 14 - DWG ̿Ͽ 3D ۼ
Section 14-1 : DWG ȰϿ 3D ۼ
1. DWG Open
2. Create 3D (2D ͸ ȰϿ 3D ۼϱ)

Part 15 - ȯ ġ
Section 15-1 : ȯ
1. 𵨸
2. ȯ ̽
3. 𵨸

Section 15-2 : ġ
1. ġ (Lock Plane)
2. ġ
3. ġ (Region)
4. ġ ġ Ȱ
5. ġ

Part 16 - ȯ Part Modeling ٵ
Section 16-1 : (Extrude) ȸ(Revolved)
1. (Extrude)
2. ȸ (Revolve)
3. (Box), (Cylinder), (Sphere)

Section 16-2 : ٵ
1. (Hole)
2. (Thread)
3. (Slot)
4. ν (Recognize Holes)
5. (Round)
6. (Blend)
7. ( ¹) (Chamfer Equal Setbacks)
8. (ٸ ¹) (Chamfer Unequal Setbacks)
9. 巡Ʈ (Draft)

Part 17 - ȯ Advanced Part Modeling, Ư, Pattern, Mirror
Section 17-1 : ȯ Advanced Part Modeling
1. (Sweep)
2. ָ (Solid Sweep)
3. (Loft)
4. 缱 (Helix)

Section 17-2 : Ư 𵨸
1. (Thin Wall)
2. (Rib)
3. Ʈũ (Web Network)
4. (Lib)
5. Ʈ (Vent)

Section 17-3 : (Pattern) ̷(Mirror)
1. 簢 (Rectangular)
2. (Circular)
3.  (Along Curve)
4. ̺ (Pattern by Table)
5. ä (Fill Pattern)
6. ν (Recognize Patterns)
7. ν (Recognize Hole Patterns)
8. ̷ (Mirror)

Part 18 - 𵨸 ϱ
Section 18-1 : ڵ ̿
1. ڵ
2. ڵ ̿

Section 18-2 : Command Bar
1. ɹ (Command Bar)
2. (Face Relate)

Section 18-3 : ǵ, ַ ̺ ܸ
1. ǵ (Live Rule)
2. ַ (Solution Manger)
3. ̺ ܸ (Live Section)

Part 19 - ȯ Sheet Metal
Section 19-1 : Sheet Metal ⺻ Flange
1. (Tab)
2. ÷ (Flange)
3. ÷ (Contour Flange)
4. (Hem)

Section 19-2 : Sheet Metal Ư
1. (Dimple)
2. (Louver)
3. ο ƾƿ (Drawn Cutout)
4. (Bead)
5. ż (Gusset)
6. (Emboss)

Part 20 - PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information)
Section 20-1 : PMI (3D 𵨿 ġ ּ Է)
1. н δ PMI Ʈ
2. PMI ũ
3. ܸ
4. 麰 ܸ
5. (Model View)

Part 21 -
Section 21-1 :
1. ϱ
2. ǥ Ʈ
3. üũƿ, üũ
4. , , Ư (File/Physical Properties, Physical Properties Manager)
5. ġ ٸ ̸ (Where Used, Save As)
6. ü

Section 21-2 : (Design Manager)
1. ϱ
2. ȭ鱸
3. ޴
4. ڸ ̿
5. ڸ ̿ ϸ
6. ڸ ̿ ü

Part 22 -
Section 22-1 : KeyShot
1. KeyShot Ұ
2. KeyShot ̿

Part 23 - 輱
Section 23-1 : XpresRoute
1. ġ (Sketch)
2. ׸Ʈ (Segments)
3. (Relate)
4. ġ (Dimension)
5. Ʃ (Tubing)

Section 23-2 : ϳ׽(Harness) 輱
1. ġ (Sketch)
2. ϳ׽ (Harness Wizard)
3. Solid Edge Electrical
4. (Paths)
5. 輱 (Electrical Routing)

Part 24 - Simulation(ؼ)
Section 24-1 : ѿ ؼ (FEA : Finite element analysis)
1. ѿ ؼ̶
2. ѿ ؼ 3ܰ
3. ؼ̶
4. з
5. Ҹ(޽) е
6. ˾Ƶξ ϴ ؼ

Section 24-2 : Solid Edge Simulation (ؼ)
1. Solid Edge 2020 Simulation
2. Simulation ȯ
3. Study
4. Geometry(ؼǰ)
5. Loads() ο
6. Constraints()
7. Connectors(ǰ )
8. Mesh(Ҹ) ó
9. Solve(ؼ)
10. Analysis Result(ؼ) м

Section 24-3 : Simulation ϱ
1. ؼȹ
2. ؼ
3. ؼ м

Solid Edge Options
1. α׷ ư
2. Ʈ ɼ
3. DZ ɼ
4. ɼ
5. ɼ
6. ġ Ÿ
3D PDF ϱ