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SARS 발생에 대한 시각적 접근, 데이터 분석

SARS 발생에 대한 시각적 접근, 데이터 분석

SARS 발생에 대한 시각적 접근, 데이터 분석

,< Guohua Wang>,< Maolin Huang>,< Shuyang Hua>,< Shuanghe Yang> 저 | 아진

29 M
신청 건수 : 0 건
간략 신청 메세지
콘텐츠 소개

콘텐츠 소개

Virus outbreaks are threats to humanity, and coronaviruses are the latest of many
epidemics in the last few decades in the world. SARS-CoV (Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Associated Coronavirus) is a member of the coronavirus
family, so its study is useful for relevant virus data research. In this work, we
conduct a proposed approach that is non-medical/clinical, generate graphs from
five features of the SARS outbreak data in five countries and regions, and oer
insights from a visual analysis perspective. The results show that prevention
measures such as quarantine are the most common control policies used, and areas
with strict measures did have fewer peak period days; for instance, Hong Kong
handled the outbreak better than other areas. Data conflict issues found with this
approach are discussed as well. Visual analysis is also proved to be a useful
technique to present the SARS outbreak data at this stage; furthermore, we are
proceeding to apply a similar methodology with more features to future COVID-19
research from a visual analysis perfective.


제 1편 코로나바이러스 정의
1. 코로나바이러스감염증-19(Covid-19) 정보 7
2. 코로나바이러스 분류 및 특성 9
3. 코로나바이러스 전자현미경 형태 11
4. 코로나바이러스 구조 (Covid-19 Organization) 13
5. 코로나19: 환경에 지속적인 영향을 미칠까? 19
6. 치료법(Therapeutical Method) 22

제 2편 연구논문
A Visual Approach for the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
Outbreak Data Analysis

1. Abstract 23
2. Introduction 24
3. Materials and Methods 25
4. Results 27
5. Discussion 34
6. Conclusions 35
7. References 36