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Empowering English Language Learners with Storytellers

Empowering English Language Learners with Storytellers

Empowering English Language Learners with Storytellers

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In our everyday lives, we speak and hear stories. We read and write stories. We create, deliver, and perform on the Internet. The Power of story-telling is available to everywhere, and everyone has stories to tell.

It is also well-known that storytelling is a powerful pedagogical tool, including for development of oral language in classroom. Speakers at the advanced proficiency level can demonstrate solid and sustained ability in providing lengthy narrations and detailed descriptions in all time-frames and with strong control of aspect. They can participate actively in most informal and some formal settings on topics of personal and public interest. Most learners of English, however, often experience increased errors, diminished fluency, hesitation, and silence, when they perform narration and description tasks. This book is planned for novice and intermediate speakers of English to practice full stories, cohesive oral paragraphs, and timeframe consistency in group works.

Storytelling can enhance language learners to appear more human, approachable, and likeable. It can quickly capture people¡¯s attention and get them to listen to what you have to say. This book incorporates the information and research that has validated the meaningfulness of storytelling in second language education, and it reflects what we, Storytelling Research Group at Chung-Ang University, have tried and learned over the past ten years. This book is dedicated to all the researchers in the Group. On behalf of myself and my co-authors, I would like to thank them for providing the inspiration for many of the activities in this book and for their enthusiasm and patience.


How to use this book
Task Modes
Module 1 Action-based Storytelling
Unit 1 Daily Activities
Lesson 1 Listing Daily Activities
Task 1 My Favorite Day
Task 2 The Daily Routine of People
Task 3 True or False?
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling 'My Weekly Routine
Task 5 Writing ¡®My Weekend'
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Connecting Daily Activities
Task 1 And Then
Task 2 And Then What?
Task 3 Picture Cued Daily Routine
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling ¡®My Daily Routine¡¯
Task 5 Recording ¡®My Daily Routine¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Unit 2 Actions of the Characters
Lesson 1 Describing Actions
Task 1 Action Verbs for Storytelling
Task 2 Guess My Action Verb
Task 3 Family Trip
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling 'Family Trip'
Task 5 Writing ¡®My Most Memorable Vacation¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Talking about the Past Experience
Task 1 Places and Actions
Task 2 What Happened Last Summer?
Task 3 Every Day Actions
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling ¡®My Most Memorable Vacation¡¯
Task 5 Recording ¡®My Most Memorable Vacation¡¯
Worksheets for Student
WS 1-2-2-5
Unit 3 Sequence of Events
Lesson 1 Making a list of the Major Story Events
Task 1 What is Story Mapping?
Task 2 Story Mapping Practice I
Task 3 Story Mapping Practice II
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling 'Short Stories'
Task 5 Recording ¡®Short Stories¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Learning the Flow of the Story
Task 1 Voice Variation Practice - ¡®I Lost My Homework¡¯
Task 2 Alibi
Task 3 The Alibi Game
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Role Play 'Suspect vs Policeman'
Task 5 Recording ¡®The Alibi Game¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Unit 4 Causal Relationships
Lesson 1 Creating a Believable Story
Task 1 Perfect Match
Task 2 A Good Match?
Task 3 First Date
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: The Interrupter
Task 5 Recording ¡®My First Date¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Talking about the Cause and Effect
Task 1 Fortunately Unfortunately
Task 2 Complaints in the Context of a Recount
Task 3 Worst Cranberry Juice Ever
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Role Play 'Customer vs Shop Assistant'
Task 5 Writing and Recording 'Your own Complaint Letter'
Worksheets for Student
Module 2 Structure-based Storytelling
Unit 1 Story Structure
Lesson 1 Exploring What Makes a Story
Task 1 What is a Story?
Task 2 Is it a Story yet?
Task 3 Story Bones I
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling ¡®Wrong Locker Room¡¯
Task 5 Retelling and Transcribing ¡®Wrong Locker Room¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Structuring a Story
Task 1 Three Stages of a Story
Task 2 Story Bones II
Task 3 Retelling ¡®Rash Acceptance of Love¡¯ I
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling ¡®Rash Acceptance of Love¡¯ II
Task 5 Recording + Self-Evaluation of the retelling of ¡®Rash Acceptance of Love¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Unit 2 Story Retelling
Lesson 1 Practicing What Makes a Story
Task 1 Imagine What Happened
Task 2 Evil Best Friend
Task 3 Imagine How It May End
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling 'Evil Best Friend'
Task 5 Retelling and Transcribing ¡®Evil Best Friend¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Practicing What Makes a Story II
Task 1 Imagine What Happened II
Task 2 Bad Interview
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling ¡®Bad Interview'
Task 5 Recording + Self-Evaluation of the retelling of ¡®Bad Interview¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Unit 3 Instant Storytelling
Lesson 1 Building a Story I
Task 1 Your Excuse
Task 2 Your Favorite Excuse
Task 3 Just Doing My Job
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Just Doing My Job
Task 5 Retelling and Transcribing ¡®Just Doing My Job¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Building a Story II
Task 1 30 Second Story I
Task 3 Instant Story I
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Instant Story II
Task 5 Retelling and Self-Evaluation ¡®Instant Story II¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Unit 4 Personal Storytelling
Lesson 1 Exploring What Makes a Believable Story
Task 1 God¡¯s Calling
Task 2 The Most Embarrassing Moment in My Life
Task 3 What Makes It Real?
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Liar & Liar
Task 5 Retelling and Transcribing ¡®The Most Embarrassing Moment in My Life¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Exploring What Makes a Believable Story II
Task 1 The Biggest Challenge in My Life
Task 2 Making Interview Questions
Task 3 Interview Your Partner
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: Retelling ¡®Interview Your Partner¡¯
Task 5 Retelling and Self-Assessment ¡®The Biggest Challenge in My Life¡¯ 135
Worksheets for Student
Module 3 Character-based Storytelling
Unit 1 Layers of a Character
Lesson 1 Describing Appearance and Personality
Task 1 Describing People from Tip to Toe
Task 2 Who Do You See?
Task 3 What Are They Like?
Task 4 Voice and Personality
Task 5 Recording and Transcribing ¡®Describe yourself¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Character-Oriented Storytelling
Task 1 Hansel and Gretel
Task 2 The Big Three
Task 3 The Character Game I
Task 4 Storytelling Practice: The Character Game II
Task 5 Recording + Self-Evaluation of the Character Game
Worksheets for Student
Unit 2 Shifting Viewpoint and Character Personality
Lesson 1 Exploring Story Viewpoint and Personality I
Task 1 Reading the Summary of ¡®Shrek¡¯
Task 2 Making the Character Profiles
Task 3 Retelling Summary from Another Character¡¯s Viewpoint.
Task 4 Liar & Liar : Modified Character Personality
Task 5 Retelling and Transcribing the ¡®Summary from Another Character¡¯s Viewpoint¡¯
Worksheets for Student
Lesson 2 Exploring Story Viewpoint and Personality II
Task 1 Reading the Summary of ¡®The Devil Wears Prada¡¯
Task 2 Making the Character Profiles
Task 3 Retelling Summary from Another Character¡¯s Viewpoint.
Task 4 Liar & Liar : Modified Character Personality
Task 5 Recording + Self-Evaluation of the retelling of the ¡®Summary from Another Character¡¯s Viewpoint¡¯
Worksheets for Student