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올리버 골드 스미스 전집

올리버 골드 스미스 전집

올리버 골드 스미스 전집

<올리버 골드 스미스(Oliver Goldsmith)> 저 | 디즈비즈북스

24 M
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<영어로 읽는 올리버 골드 스미스 전집 >
올리버 골드스미스(Oliver Goldsmith)는 아일랜드의 소설가이자 극작가이자 시인으로, 소설 웨이크필드의 목사(Vicar of Wakefield), 목가적인 시인 황량한 마을(The Deserted Village), 희곡으로 잘 알려진 선량한 남자와 그녀는 정복하기 위해 몸을 굽힌다. 그는 고전적인 동화를 쓴 Little Goody Two-Shoes의 역사를 썼다. 이 책은 올리버 골드스미스의 작품 전집이다.

Oliver Goldsmith is an Irish novelist, playwright and poet, best known for his novels Vicar of Wakefield, the idyllic poet The Deserted Village, and the plays The Good Man and She Conquer bend over for He wrote the history of Little Goody Two-Shoes, who wrote the classic fairy tale. This book is the complete collection of works by Oliver Goldsmith.


Chronology of Goldsmith’s Life and Poems

Descriptive Poems
The Traveller; or, A Prospect of Society
The Deserted Village
Lyrical and Miscellaneous Pieces
Prologue of Laberius
On a Beautiful Youth struck Blind with Lightning
The Gift. To Iris, in Bow Street
The Logicians Refuted
A Sonnet
Stanzas on the Taking of Quebec
An Elegy on Mrs. Mary Blaize
Description of an Author’s Bedchamber
On seeing Mrs. *** perform in the Character of ****
On the Death of the Right Hon.***
An Epigram. Addressed to the Gentlemen reflected on in ‘The Rosciad’, a Poem, by the Author
To G. C. and R. L.
Translation of a South American Ode
The Double Transformation. A Tale
A New Simile, in the Manner of Swift
Edwin and Angelina
Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog
Song (‘When Lovely Woman,’ etc.)
Epilogue to The Good Natur’d Man
Epilogue to The Sister
Prologue to Zobeide
Threnodia Augustalis: Sacred to the Memory of Her Late Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales

Epilogue to She Stoops to Conquer
Song (‘Ah, me! when shall I marry me?’)
Translation (‘Chaste are their instincts’)
The Haunch of Venison
Epitaph on Thomas Parnell
The Clown’s Reply
Epitaph on Edward Purdon
Epilogue for Lee Lewes
Epilogue written for She Stoops to Conquer (1)
Epilogue written for She Stoops to Conquer (2)
The Captivity. An Oratorio
Verses in Reply to an Invitation to Dinner
Letter in Prose and Verse to Mrs. Bunbury
Vida’s Game of Chess

Introduction to the Notes
Editions of the Poems
The Traveller
The Deserted Village
Prologue of Laberius
On a Beautiful Youth struck Blind with Lightning
The Gift
The Logicians Refuted
A Sonnet
Stanzas on the Taking of Quebec
An Elegy on Mrs. Mary Blaize
Description of an Author’s Bedchamber
On seeing Mrs. *** perform in the Character of ****
On the Death of the Right Hon. ***
An Epigram
To G. C. and R. L.
Translation of a South American Ode
The Double Transformation
A New Simile
Edwin and Angelina
Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog
Song (from The Vicar of Wakefield)
Epilogue (The Good Natur’d Man)
Epilogue (The Sister)
Prologue (Zobeide)
Threnodia Augustalis
Song (from She Stoops to Conquer)
Epilogue (She Stoops to Conquer)
Song intended for She Stoops to Conquer
The Haunch of Venison
Epitaph on Thomas Parnell
The Clown’s Reply
Epitaph on Edward Purdon
Epilogue for Lee Lewes’s Benefit
Epilogue (She Stoops to Conquer) (1)
Epilogue (She Stoops to Conquer) (2)
The Captivity
Verses in Reply to an Invitation to Dinner
Letter in Prose and Verse to Mrs. Bunbury
Vida’s Game of Chess