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바이런 시 : 3권

<조지 고든 바이런(George Gordon Byron)> 저 | 디즈비즈북스

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<영어로 읽는 바이런의 시3>
George Gordon Byron(1788-1824)는 영국의 시인이자 낭만주의의 주요 작가다. Byron의 가장 잘 알려진 작품으로는 단편시 She Walks in Beauty, and So We'll Go no More a-Roving, 내러티브시 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage(1812-1818), Don Juan(1819-1824)이 있다. 후자는 그의 죽음 때문에 불완전한 상태로 남아있었다. 그는 가장 위대한 유럽 시인 중 한 명으로 여겨지며 영어권 세계와 그 너머에서 널리 읽히고 영향력을 미치고 있다. 그의 작품 중에는 Fugitive Pieces(1806), Hours of Idleness(Juvenilia라고도 함)(1807), English Bards and Scotch Reviewers(1809), 히브리 멜로디(1815), Chillon의 죄수(1816), Manfred(1817), 바이런 경의 작품(7권)(1898).이 있다.



Preface to Vol. III. of the Poems
Introduction to Occasional Pieces (Poems 1809-1813; Poems 1814-1816)

Poems 1809-1813.
The Girl of Cadiz.
Lines written in an Album, at Malta
To Florence
Stanzas composed during a Thunderstorm.
Stanzas written in passing the Ambracian Gulf.
The Spell is broke, the Charm is flown!
Written after swimming from Sestos to Abydos (4to)
Lines in the Travellers' Book at Orchomenus
Maid of Athens, ere we part.
Fragment from the "Monk of Athos."
Lines written beneath a Picture.
Translation of the famous Greek War Song,
Translation of the Romaic Song
On Parting.
Farewell to Malta.
Newstead Abbey.
Epistle to a Friend, in answer to some Lines exhorting the Author to be Cheerful, and to "banish Care."
To Thyrza ["Without a stone," etc.].
Stanzas ["Away, away," etc.].
Stanzas ["One struggle more," etc.].
Stanzas ["And thou art dead," etc.].
Lines to a Lady weeping.
Stanzas ["If sometimes," etc.].
On a Cornelian Heart which was broken.
The Chain I gave was Fair to view. From the Turkish.
Lines written on a Blank Leaf of The Pleasures of Memory.
Address, spoken at the Opening of Drury-Lane Theatre, Saturday, October 10, 1812.
Parenthetical Address. By Dr. Plagiary.
Verses found in a Summer-house at Hales-Owen.
Remember thee! Remember thee!
To Time.
Translation of a Romaic Love Song.
Stanzas ["Thou art not false," etc.].
On being asked what was the "Origin of Love."
On the Quotation, "And my true faith," etc. MS. M.
Stanzas ["Remember him," etc
Impromptu, in Reply to a Friend.
Sonnet. To Genevra ["Thine eyes' blue tenderness," etc.].
Sonnet. To Genevra ["Thy cheek is pale with thought," etc.].
From the Portuguese ["Tu mi chamas"].

The Giaour: A Fragment of a Turkish Tale.
Introduction to The Giaour
Bibliographical Note on The Giaour
The Giaour

The Bride of Abydos. A Turkish Tale.
Introduction to The Bride of Abydos
Note to the MSS. of The Bride of Abydos
The Bride of Abydos.
Canto the First
Canto the Second
Note to The Bride of Abydos

The Corsair: A Tale.
Introduction to The Corsair
Bibliographical Note on The Corsair
The Corsair. Canto the First
Canto the Second
Canto the Third
Introduction to the Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte

Lara: A Tale.
Introduction to Lara
Lara. Canto the First
Canto the Second

Hebrew Melodies.
Introduction to the Hebrew Melodies
She walks in Beauty
The Harp the Monarch Minstrel swept
If that High World
The Wild Gazelle
Oh! weep for those
On Jordan's Banks
Jephtha's Daughter
Oh! snatched away in Beauty's Bloom
My Soul is Dark
I saw thee weep
Thy Days are done
Song of Saul before his Last Battle
"All is Vanity, saith the Preacher"
When Coldness wraps this Suffering Clay
Vision of Belshazzar
Sun of the Sleepless!
Were my Bosom as False as thou deem'st it to be
Herod's Lament for Mariamne
On the Day of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus
By the Rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept
"By the Waters of Babylon"
The Destruction of Sennacherib
A Spirit passed before me

Poems 1814-1816.
Farewell! if ever Fondest Prayer.
When we Two parted.
[Love and Gold.] MS. M.
Stanzas for Music ["I speak not, I trace not," etc.].
Address intended to be recited at the Caledonian Meeting.
Elegiac Stanzas on the Death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart.
Julian [a Fragment]. MS. M.
To Belshazzar. First published, 1831
Stanzas for Music ["There's not a joy," etc.].
On the Death of the Duke of Dorset. MS. M
Stanzas for Music ["Bright be the place of thy soul
Napoleon's Farewell.
From the French ["Must thou go, my glorious Chief?"].
Ode from the French ["We do not curse thee, Waterloo!"].
Stanzas for Music ["There be none of Beauty's daughters"].
On the Star of "the Legion of Honour."
Stanzas for Music ["They say that Hope is happiness"].

The Siege of Corinth.
Introduction to The Siege of Corinth
Note on the MS. of The Siege of Corinth
The Siege of Corinth

Introduction to Parisina

Poems of the Separation.
Introduction to Poems of the Separation
Fare Thee Well
A Sketch
Stanzas to Augusta