영어로 읽는 SF소설 _ 에드먼드 해밀턴의 사악한 침공
이 책은 Edmond Hamilton이 1957년에 Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy
June호에 출간한 공상과학 소설입니다.
Edmond Hamilton은 20세기 초중반 미국의 주요 공상과학 소설 작가 중 한 명입니다. 1904년 태어나 1977년에 사망한 그는 '우주 오페라'의 선구자로 여겨집니다. Hamilton은 1926년부터 글을 쓰기 시작해 'Captain Future' 시리즈로 유명해졌습니다. 그의 작품은 우주 모험, 타임트래블, 외계 생명체와의 조우 등 다양한 SF 테마를 다루었습니다. 또한 그는 DC 코믹스의 'Superman'과 'Batman' 시리즈에도 기여했습니다. Hamilton의 상상력 넘치는 이야기들은 후대 SF 작가들에게 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다.
Reading Science Fiction Novels in English _ The Sinister Invasion by Edmond Hamilton
This book is a science fiction novel published in the June issue of Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy in 1957 by Edmond Hamilton.
Edmond Hamilton was one of the major American science fiction writers of the early and mid-20th century. Born in 1904 and died in 1977, he is considered a pioneer of 'space opera'. Hamilton began writing in 1926 and became famous for the 'Captain Future' series. His works covered a variety of science fiction themes, including space adventures, time travel, and encounters with extraterrestrial life forms. He also contributed to the 'Superman' and 'Batman' series for DC Comics. Hamilton's imaginative stories had a great influence on later science fiction writers.
Birrel rebelled at the idea of becoming a cosmic counter-spy. But he was the one Earthman whom a quirk of nature had fitted for the job....
It was strange, how easy it was to step right out of your own life, right out of the familiar Earth into cosmic mystery! As easy, Birrel was to think later, as opening a door....
As Birrel walked into his 71st Street apartment, snapping on the light and pocketing his keys, he suddenly stopped, tense with surprise.
A man he had never seen before stood facing him. A commonplace-looking man with a gray hat, gray suit, and a grayish, young-middle-aged face. His voice was mild as he said,
CHAPTER I. As Birrel walked into his 71st Street apartment
CHAPTER II. Birrel still couldn't take it in
CHAPTER III. They came at ten minutes before midnight
CHAPTER IV. Birrel felt the imminence of onrushing danger
CHAPTER V. There were six people in the living-room
CHAPTER VI. They sat together in a brushy hollow by a stream
CHAPTER VII. They were all in the ship's bridge now
CHAPTER VIII. There were six of the Irrians
CHAPTER IX. Birrel had been close to death before
CHAPTER X. The ship swept in toward the night side of Earth