『블루 트레인의 수수께끼』 영문판.
1928년에 출간된 애거사 크리스티의 추리소설.
프렌치 리비에라(French Riviera) 행 호화로운 침대 열차에서 백만장자의 딸이 살해당하는 사건이 발생하는데...
Cast of Characters
1. The Man with the White Hair
2. M. le Marquis
3. Heart of Fire
4. In Curzon Street
5. A Useful Gentleman
6. Mirelle
7. Letters
8. Lady Tamplin Writes a Letter
9. An Offer Refused
10. On the Blue Train
11. Murder
12. At the Villa Marguerite
13. Van Aldin Gets a Telegram
14. Ada Mason's Story
15. The Comte de la Roche
16. Poirot Discusses the Case
17. An Aristocratic Gentleman
18. Derek Lunches
19. An Unexpected Visitor
20. Katherine Makes a Friend
21. At the Tennis
22. M. Papopolous Breakfasts
23. A New Theory
24. Poirot Gives Advice
25. Defiance
26. A Warning
27. Interview with Mirelle
28. Poirot Plays the Squirrel
29. A Letter from Home
30. Miss Viner Gives Judgment
31. Mr. Aarons Lunches
32. Katherine and Poirot Compare Notes
33. A New Theory
34. The Blue Train Again
35. Explanations
36. By the Sea