The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker is a novel written in the late 19th century, featuring Malcolm Ross, a barrister who becomes entangled in a mysterious and dangerous situation involving Margaret Trelawny and her father, Abel Trelawny. At the beginning of the story, Malcolm is abruptly awakened in the middle of the night by a sudden knock at his door. He discovers that Margaret Trelawny has summoned him for help, as her father has suffered a severe and inexplicable injury at their home. When Malcolm arrives at the scene, he learns of Abel¡¯s critical condition and the strange circumstances surrounding his injury. Ancient artifacts are present, and the unusual behavior of those in the household is noticeable. The story hints at deep secrets related to the Trelawny family, their past, and perhaps the jewel mentioned in the title, creating an atmosphere of suspense. This beginning foreshadows a tale rich in personal conflict and the allure of the unknown, blending ancient Egyptian mythology and mysterious elements into a unique narrative.
Chapter I. A Summons in the Night
Chapter II. Strange Instructions
Chapter III. The Watchers
Chapter IV. The Second Attempt
Chapter V. More Strange Instructions
Chapter VI. Suspicions
Chapter VII. The Traveller¡¯s Loss
Chapter VIII. The Finding of the Lamps
Chapter IX. The Need of Knowledge
Chapter X. The Valley of the Sorcerer
Chapter XI. A Queen¡¯s Tomb
Chapter XII. The Magic Coffer
Chapter XIII. Awaking From the Trance
Chapter XIV. The Birth-Mark
Chapter XV. The Purpose of Queen Tera
Chapter XVI. The Cavern
Chapter XVII. Doubts and Fears
Chapter XVIII. The Lesson of the ¡°Ka¡±
Chapter XIX. The Great Experiment