Set in the late 19th century, this novel unfolds against the beautifully depicted Irish landscape, exploring themes of nature's beauty, myth, and personal transformation. The protagonist, Arthur, is a young man recently returned from a European tour, who finds himself confronted with Ireland's majestic nature, the complexities of human relationships, and local legends. In the opening chapter, Arthur travels through a secluded valley framed by mountains, captivated by the dramatic scenery and an impending storm. He is accompanied by Andy, a talkative Irish driver, who regales him with the unique stories and folklore of the region. This first chapter sets the tone for the mystical atmosphere of Ireland and hints at the protagonist¡¯s journey intertwined with the legend of Shleenanaher, or "The Snake's Pass." Arthur is portrayed as a reflective character, grappling with his past and on the brink of new experiences, heralding a tale where mystery and local lore come together in an adventure.
Chapter I. A Sudden Storm
Chapter II. The Lost Crown of Gold
Chapter III. The Gombeen Man
Chapter IV. The Secrets of the Bog
Chapter V. On Knocknacar
Chapter VI. Confidences
Chapter VII. Vanished
Chapter VIII. A Visit to Joyce
Chapter IX. My New Property
Chapter X. In the Cliff Fields
Chapter XI. Un Mauvais Quart d¡¯Heure
Chapter XII. Bog-Fishing and Schooling
Chapter XIII. Murdock¡¯s Wooing
Chapter XIV. A Trip to Paris
Chapter XV. A Midnight Treasure Hunt
Chapter XVI. A Grim Warning
Chapter XVII. The Catastrophe
Chapter XVIII. The Fulfilment